Healthfulness Redefined

Harmonized food ratings across nutrient density, nutrient profiling, and diet quality systems.

Markets are emerging to promote nutrient density. However, it is unclear if this is possible without a consensus definition. Over 200 nutrient profiling systems and 50 diet quality metrics contribute to confusion and create translational barriers. Explore expert ratings individually, align them with diet quality, and ultimately, combine it all to find consensus with FRESH’s meta-NPS. With one interactive tool, you can: 1) view the consensus, 2) identify research opportunities among foods with unstable expert agreement, and 3) understand the alignment of your policies to promote healthy food consumption with this meta-NPS and its scoring database of over 6,000 foods.

Abbreviations: NRF: nutrient rich food (with food groups or flavonoids); NS: Nutriscore; FCS: Food Compass; FPro: Food Processing; Meta-Score: a harmonized rating across all of the others

Healthfulness meets Impact

Identify high leverage foods by exploring healthfulness alongside population consumption patterns. Tailor organizational strategies toward populations that can benefit most from your foods.

Experts vs. AI

Engage with your consumers in an entirely personalized and unique way.

What do health outcome specific, AI-models have to say about food healthfulness? The answer could contribute to health claim strategy while speaking a langauge that speaks to your consumers.

Food complexity Revealed

Look to the future of food with new analytical tools that appreciate the complexity of simple things.

Policy and health research focus on promoting things like “fruits and vegetables” or “whole grains.” We use data-driven hierarchical clustering of food composition to identify nutrient clusters that cut across food groups and challenge their accuracy and usefulness.